This post is based on my experiences and for all products that I have tested myself, you will find the links to Amazon (affiliate links).

Today we come to one of my favorite topics. The beautiful podcast. Perhaps you have often thought. A podcast like that would be great. People can hear content from you regularly, they get to know you and they can build trust and notice how much knowledge you actually have. I started more than 3 years ago and have already released over 170 episodes. I love it. :-) I'll definitely say then. That's a good idea. However, not every topic necessarily makes sense for a podcast. I often have customers with whom I consider what really makes sense for them as a social media channel. For some topics, a podcast is simply nothing. Here are a few examples: When you coach tapping or EFT, it gets really difficult. You have to show and explain something and you should be seen best. This is of course difficult with a podcast. Even if you're in the fashion industry, a podcast makes little sense. This also applies to beauty products, where you can of course explain a lot of great knowledge about the skin and the products, but it's nicer when people can see you how you use the products and what the products look like, for example. So when does a podcast make the most sense? I would like to give you a few examples of this as well. And here's a little tip ahead. Watch yourself, for example, when you listen to podcasts yourself and on which topics? When do you turn off the music yourself and put on a podcast? For example, I like to listen to podcasts while cleaning. I can really listen while I'm cleaning. But I couldn't really look at anything in a video, for example. I also know many who listen to podcasts while pushing their prams or going for a walk. All in all, podcasts are wonderful for imparting knowledge, reporting on experiences, telling stories or presenting something about your service or offer in a beautifully packaged and interesting way in the podcast. If you are unsure or have any questions, please get in touch. Now we come to technology. So what do you actually need if you want to record a podcast.
Here I fall back on my own experiences and it is certainly not complete and it is also not paid advertising. Here is a rough overview: You need a laptop or computer - preferably with a mouse You need a recording program - I'll explain that in a moment You need a good microphone or a good headset You need a jingle - if you want it to sound particularly professional You need a platform where you upload the podcast so that it can be found from there (, Podbean) I will now also name many of the tools that I use. Don't worry about that. You can find the links to the tools in the show notes. To the laptop: At least it shouldn't crash all the time, but otherwise few special requirements are necessary - of course - the newer - the faster and more powerful it is, which is especially true when you have the large podcast documents To the recording program - how you can best record your podcast: Recording program - I can only recommend audacity here - it's free and offers everything you need - you can directly select which microphone you want to record with and you can cut the recording there, add different soundtracks, for example if you want an intro you want to import - i.e. you have a beginning part and that is of course also true for the end part - the so-called outro You can also save complete tracks - for example, your voice-in text with the intro music and then combine it with the main part - then you're much faster and don't have to record the beginning and end every time. To the mic: A lot of people I know just use a good headset - because you can edit a lot of things afterwards in the recording program - but of course that also takes time. I use a great microphone that I borrowed from my dad. It's a Samson.
Viele nutzen aber auch das Mikro - Logitech H390 USB-Mikro Headset, - kostest nur so ca. 35 Euro bei Amazon oder wenn du etwas mehr ausgeben willst Samson Meteor Mic USB Studio/Podcast Mikrofon silber - ca. 106 Euro.
Auch mit einem kleinen Mikrofon, was Du in Dein Handy steckst, ist die Qualität auch richtig gut. 10 Euro kostet mein Lavaliermikro zum Beispiel. Häufig brauchst Du dann noch einen Adapter, z.B. für Dein iPhone sieht der Adapter dann so aus - klick hier.
To the jingle: do you need one Certainly not in the beginning. So it's not mandatory, BUT of course it sounds super nice and I really like it. The opening music already says a lot about you and you can always get the listeners in the right mood for what your podcast is about - is it more of a serious topic or do you want to talk about something light and fluffy. Unfortunately, I sunk a lot of time here to find the right jingle. This is of course on the one hand because I really wanted to have the right start for my podcast, BUT also because it is not that easy to find something for free. That was what I wanted at the beginning, because I had heard quite often that there were so many jingles for free. Unfortunately, that's complete nonsense - what you can still find for free today is bad and, to be honest, I was never quite sure whether the rights to use it would really be clarified. You're also looking for yourselves, because many free audio recordings are super long - i.e. longer than 1 minute - but you usually only need 10 to 20 seconds of music for a jingle. So I can't recommend any free jingle platform. If you have found one, please comment under the post or send me a message and I will share the platform in my community. I ended up using Platform Cayzland. You can choose directly which license you need - for example as a podcast jingle and then you are on the safe side. For example, my jingle cost 50 euros The upload platform: Why do you need this? This is actually not easy to understand at first. You have to imagine it like if you want to advertise. You have to put the ads somewhere. For social media advertising, you would probably use Instagram or Facebook. With podcasts, there are special platforms that host your podcast for you - i.e. save it and promote it at the same time. You will then receive a special link for your podcast - the so-called RSS feed link. With this link you can either register yourself on all common platforms so that your podcast can be played there. like for example - Spotify, itunes, Overcast, Upspeak... or some platforms do that for you automatically too. I use - that's probably enough for a start, but I wouldn't totally recommend it because I ended up having to do a lot myself, even though was said to do a lot for me. Many people I know upload their podcast to Podbean, for example, and have had very good experiences with it.
That was a lot of content again, but I think it will be very helpful as a summary for your first steps towards the podcast. If you have any questions or need help creating your podcast, feel free to contact me. And now I wish you a wonderful day. Your Anja
+++ UPDATE 2023 +++
Would you like to start your own podcast, but would you like more guidance? INCLUDED: Now publish the podcast as a video podcast - this is how it works. Then my new course is just right for you. So many have wished for it - now it's here. You can find the online course here.
Links (unbezahlte Werbung):
Hochladeplattformen, die ich sehr empfehlen kann:,