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Business Pro 3-month program

You're not alone! The challenges of running an established online business can be overwhelming.

Have you ever felt lost in technology or unsure which offers to highlight and how to get new customers? Are you dreaming of your own online course or podcast, but starting it seems out of reach?


Here I am, your guide in the digital jungle! 🌟

I'll help you bring clarity to your offers and work with you to design a marketing strategy that really works. Forget the stress, I'll take care of the complicated parts and arm you with the knowledge and tools you need.


Are you ready to take your business to the next level?

Let's tackle it together!

What does the Business Pro bring you?

3-month program?

Sichtbarkeit & Contentplanung

Sichtbarkeit und Dranbleiben ist der Schlüssel für jeden Businesserfolg. Wie Du dabei kein Burnout bekommst vor lauter hier-posten und da-posten - das zeig ich Dir. Chat GPT & Planungstools werden Deine Freund. Zeitersparnis inklusive.

Mindset Support

Ja, die negativen Glaubenssätze werden auch nach einer Zeit im eigenen Business nicht weniger. Ich zeige Dir, wie Du auch durch die herausfordernden Tage im Business durchkommst, bei denen Dir Deine Stimme in Deinem Kopf Angst macht.

Money Mindset

Ja, auch Dein Business-Erfolg hat mit Deinem Money Mindset zu tun. Auch das schauen wir uns regelmäßig an und ich gebe Dir meine Top Tipps und zeige Dir, wie Du Gutes tun kannst UND auch selbst noch mehr Geld verdienen darfst.

Deine IT & Tools skalieren

Ich baue alles für Dein Herzensbusiness, was Dir noch fehlt. Webseite-Optimierung, Landingpages, Newsletter, Blog, Online-Kurse, neue Social Media - Kanäle, Online-Zahlungsanbieter... you got it.

Verkaufen optimieren

Dir macht Verkaufen immer noch nicht so richtig Spaß? Ich zeig Dir, wie es Dir noch leichter fallen wird - noch mehr Spaß und Neukund:innen garantiert.

Prozesse & Abläufe

Klingt langweilig, macht aber Spaß, wenn Dein Business automatisch läuft, Kunden Termine buchen können, Dich automatisch bezahlen und Du dabei auch mal mit einem Kaffee im Park sitzen kannst während Deine Produkte automatisch verkauft werden (Passives Einkommen).

When is Tech-Up my business something for you?

You don't want to build your website yourself. If everything were possible, you wouldn't have to do anything to do with IT & technology.

You want your business tools to just work and you don't have to do anything. Like your tax program, your customer payment program, your appointment calendar tool, your online course tool, and and and...

You want to work with someone, especially in the beginning, who you can ask any questions, who you meet regularly, and who is always there if you have a question.

What is your result?


We see each other weekly and always discuss what the next important steps are!
And I will implement it directly with you!

I have been working in IT and product development for more than 15 years. I love implementing ideas in websites, online courses, online shops, podcasts and all the tools you need for your online business.

I'll also show you how you can really save time and money with AI tools like Chat GPT & Co.


So you don't have to worry about anything all by yourself , but you will be able to marvel at an optimized online business in a short time. You have the best tools and you know how they work - but I'll take care of the "annoying" setup, sprucing up and testing to make sure everything works.


You also have an offer strategy, i.e. what you sell for free and what your paid offers are. Clear and easy for your customers to understand and, above all, easy to sell.

The Business Starter Pro is

perfect for you if...

  • You don't feel like doing everything alone all the time

  • You want a bit of business strategy - a small guide included

  • You want to talk to someone regularly who will prioritize all of your tasks and work through them with you little by little. You are not alone!

  • IT/technology & tools are simply not your thing, but you would like to overcome the technology barrier in your head.

  • When you have so many ideas in your head but have no idea how to implement them all.

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Why me?

ANJA GRIGOLEIT_7_NEW_by_Karoliina_Paasonen_websize.jpg

Because I'm a little bundle of energy, bursting with ideas all day long.

If I could choose someone to advise my business, then I would choose someone who has over 15 years of experience in online business, who has been rocking their own business for almost 4 years and who knows exactly where you are at the moment loves to unravel tangles of thoughts.

And someone with a good dose of empathy who can perceive and understand you and your business precisely and loves the implementation.


I'll put it like this:

Just Do it - could have been written by me. :-)


Your Anja

Customer voices

We tackle these topics step by step

Business Pro Programm alle Inhalte Marketing Verkaufen Chat GPT Anja Grigoleit Beratung 20

This is how the 3-month program works


1:1 time with me

It's going to be a brilliant time!


  • Everything starts with getting to know each other personally - we meet for 1 day in your city or in Potsdam , get to know each other personally and get started together (including in the DACH-RAUM).

  • 60 minutes 1x per week - 1:1 appointments with me (max. 12 appointments)

  • We look at your business strategy and your offer and clarify directly what you can sell additionally from tomorrow and what you can leave out.

  • I will rebuild your website so that you and your offer are presented perfectly (max. 5 pages) or your online shop (Shopify - max. 3 pages)

  • I build your online course or blog or podcast (depending on your business)

  • I optimize all the tools you need for your business and save you money!

  • 5 days a week WhatsApp support (9 a.m. to 3 p.m.)

  • A total of 8 hours of technical implementation are included - after implementing the website/online shop optimization and 1:1 appointments.

  • I'll show you how to get your business to at least 5 figures per month!

We've been a team for 3 months and we're traveling at the speed of light!


This is what you also get:


  • All meeting recordings

  • Knowledge database in Elopage with explanatory videos

  • Links to all online business tools and AI tools for your business

  • Instructions for all your tools and how to use them

  • Recommendations for good tax advisors, data protection officers, lawyers (if desired)


I look forward to you!


Secure your appointment now

My calendar is freely viewable.

Check directly whether your desired date for our introductory appointment is still available.


Your investment:

3 months for €6,990 (plus VAT)

I offer installment payments in up to 3 installments.

My team of experts for special questions


Workbooks & Tools

You don't need to look long, as a Business Start customer you have access to my network of experts:

  • Specialist lawyer for general terms and conditions

  • Data protection consultant

  • Tax advisor

  • PR expert

  • Trademark attorney

  • Ads specialist

  • Energy coach

  • Fashion & style consultant


You deserve it!


Secure your appointment now

This program is my absolute VIP program!


You are the center of attention! You will see results quickly because we meet weekly!


You deserve to take the fast lane!!!

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