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Strong business start in 2024 for women

Get everything you need for your business:

strong images

strong website

strong offers

strong energy


Teilnehmerinnen 2023

Buchung nur bis 31. Mai 2024 offen!

That's why we designed this magical weekend

When what belongs together comes together.
We are Andrea, Anja and Karoliina.
Energy coach & business coach, technology implementer & web designer, photographer & videographer.

We have bundled all this expertise for you.

Together we found out if we had had someone (or several) at the beginning of our self-employment who would provide us with great pictures, the website, our individual customer magnet and also the energy tips for a permanently successful self-employment and everyday life in self-employment had asked, we would have been successful even 1000x faster!

That's exactly what we want to give you!
Sustainable success with the business that really suits you.


Andrea Wiedau
- Energy, Nutrition & Business Coach - 

Andrea is our bundle of energy. She has spent decades researching how to feel fit and energetic in everyday life and what that has to do with nutrition. She will also advise you on your personal business why and find out how you can most easily attract customers and how you can be successful in the long term and feel good about it. With over 31 years of experience as an entrepreneur, she is the experienced power woman in the team.

ANJA GRIGOLEIT_7_NEW_by_Karoliina_Paasonen_websize.jpg

Anja Grigoleit
- Web designer, technology implementer & business coach - 

Anja is our technical genius. It will help you to put your ideas into practice on your own website and to be able to make adjustments yourself later. She is also a social media professional and will share all the secrets for successful social media marketing in the live workshop. She has been working in the IT & business sector for more than 15 years and has learned online business from scratch.


What awaits you


Three powerful women who know how successful business works. This live workshop will be conducted with a lot of joy ✨ and humor ✨ and pure love of life!!!

An absolute turbo booster for your idea and your business and a tremendous time saver.

23 to 24 September 2023 at Landgut Stober

Freitag bis Sonntag


Behnitzer Dorfstrasse 27-31
14641 Nauen OT Gross Behnitz

By train to Nauen
(approx. 35 minutes from Berlin Hauptbahnhof)
Accessible from anywhere by car.

Browse directly at the estate.


"Das Wochenende war eine sehr gute Entscheidung und ich bin stolz auf mich, dass ich trotz noch unklarer Situation teilgenommen habe. Der positive Raum, welcher geschaffen worden ist von euch hilft enorm, sich vom Außen, auch jetzt im Nachgang, immer mehr zu befreien und mit viel mehr Energie und MUT neue Ideen anzugehen. Der Fokus zurück zu mir war ein sehr wichtiger Schritt. Das Human Design Reading zeigt sich im Alltag so deutlich, dass ich bei der Umsetzung des Erlernten direkt merke, wie es wirkt und die Positionierung mit dem Elevator Pitch war die beste Abschlussübung überhaupt - der kleine Clip ist die perfekte Motivationsnachricht an mich selbst für Zwischendurch. Ihr drei habt das sehr abgestimmt aufeinander gemacht und im kleinen Rahmen konnte man sich wohlbehütet austauschen. Das war ein so wunderbarer Energieschub für mich - DANKE!!!!

Antje T., Potsdam

Immerse yourself in the magical location of NEW and old


So that you only have to make one decision,
To create a perfect business start or re-start, we have a complete package for you:

Photo shoot with a business photographer and make-up artist (including 10 edited images) AND at least 25 images for social media worth 1,290 euros plus VAT.

2 nights at the Bio Hotel Landgut Stober in a modern room are included, worth 525 euros

Finished website for your business (up to 5 complete pages and pages for data protection/imprint included - compatible for all devices) worth 2,770 euros plus VAT.

The complete catering from Friday evening to Sunday afternoon is included (breakfast, lunch, dinner & snacks as well as water, coffee & tea is included in the price) worth 223 euros

The focus for your business is clear, you know what you are selling and you know your personal why and you get our sales tips!

Human Design Chart complete including evaluation and information for your business and your health (PHS) worth 990 euros

VIP group feeling - maximum of 8 participants!

The supporting program includes a preparation date for the photo session, 2 advance appointments with Andrea for your Human Design Chart for Health & Business, on-site workshops, pre- and on-site sessions with Anja as well as getting to know the other business ladies for networking from 1,290 euros

This is how the live workshop works
& the preparation


  • After your binding registration, you will receive all the information you need from us.

  • If you have any questions, you can also book a conversation with Andrea or Anja before booking. Simply click here for an appointment with Anja and here for an appointment with Andrea.

  • Before the live workshop, our photographer Victoria will contact you to prepare the preliminary discussion regarding the photo session with you. There you will discuss your outfit and the pre-planning for the photo session.

  • Andrea will also contact you beforehand for your individual 2 sessions on your human design for business, energy and health. So that the findings can be used immediately and can get a bit of insight before the live workshop, you will have a personal evaluation meeting with Andrea in advance.

Saturday 23 September 2023

  • 10 a.m. - Here we go! We introduce ourselves, we get to know each other.*

  • 10:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. - Live workshop with Andrea Wiedau: "Keep your energy and joy in independence."**

  • At the same time, the first 4 photo sessions with make-up beforehand and 4 discussions about the website take place.

  • 7:00 p.m. to open end - star cuisine in the restaurant on the estate - networking - let the day end together and eat incredibly delicious - we have already tried it. :-)

* At noon there will be an extensive lunch and there will also be frequent breaks in between.

** There is a handout for the live workshops, so that you don't miss anything when you're on your way to the photo session or the website talk. Afterwards you will receive additional supporting audios.

Sunday 24 September 2023 

  • from 7 a.m. there is breakfast for everyone in the main building

  • 8:30 o'clock - We arrive with Andrea in the new day.*

  • 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. - Social media insights and insider tips

  • 10:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. - Live workshop with Andrea Wiedau: How do you run your business easily and successfully - according to your personal requirements and your business why**

  • At the same time, the second 4 photo sessions with make-up beforehand and 4 discussions about the website take place.

  • 4:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m - Conclusion and farewell

* At noon there is a  extensive lunch and there will always be breaks in between.

** There is a handout for the live workshops, so that you don't miss anything when you're on your way to the photo session or the website talk. Afterwards you will receive additional supporting audios.

Tauche ein in die magische Location aus NEU und Alt

your investment

All-in-one package including live workshop at the Stober estate:
€5,490 plus VAT for a one-off payment

Special conditions:
* I already have a website, but would like the photos and to be there for the entire weekend - Your price: 3,500 euros plus VAT.
* I already have photos, but would like the website and the entire weekend - your price: 3,500 euros plus VAT.
* I have already made the energy map with Andrea, but I want the photos and the website and the weekend - Your price: 3,500 euros plus
Please write us a message here as soon as possible so that we can reserve your place.

Please contact us if these conditions apply to you!


  • How does the program work?
    I'll walk you through everything for 2 months. There is a group in which we will support each other. Every 2 weeks there is a group call via zoom. We'll discuss the next steps and you can bring all your questions with you. I work with you to develop the structure and content of your website and then implement the website and all other technical content (e-mail system, newsletter, social media channel). In the group, I will show you in detail how you can change things on your website yourself, how to design pretty social media posts in your colors and what you can pay attention to on the individual platforms.
  • What do I get exactly?
    By June 5th (at the latest) you will have the following items complete: - Your own website in your design with a maximum of 6 sub-pages including imprint and data protection - built with the WIX website system. - A mobile optimized version of your website for all devices. - Optimizing your website for Google. - An integrated calendar so that your customers can book appointments. - Your own domain (cost: approx. 8 euros per year - to be borne by you). - Your newsletter system incl. Freebee. - A built social media channel in your brand design with templates for postings and the tricks that are important to know for this channel (depending on your target group we will use LinkedIn, Facebook or Instagram)
  • When do I pay for the program?
    As soon as we both say in the preliminary talk that it fits. You will receive a welcome email with all the details.
  • What are the additional costs?
    - Cost of hosting the website and costs of the provider - about 15 euros per month. - Cost of the domain - about 10 euros per year.


data protection

  • Instagram
  • Tick Tack
  • LinkedIn Profil
  • Facebook Gruppe
  • Podcast auf iTunes
  • Podcast auf Spotify

©2020, ©2021, ©2022, ©2023, ©2024 

Anja Grigoleit Consulting

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