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Registration for the challenge includes:

How many people are on your website per day?

How can you gain more customers from this?

What do these numbers bring you for your business?


How do more customers get to your website?


Register now

Sign up now for the free

3-day challenge!

What is the 3-day challenge?

Takes place from September 10th to September 12th, 2020

Exclusively in my Facebook group & via email

Every day in the morning there is a short input from me and a small task for YOU.

Effort per day 10-15 minutes.

In the evening there is then a LIVE in the Facebook group.

In LIVE you can ask all your questions.

What are your results after 3 days?

1. You know your best social media channel because you know where your website visitors come from.

2. You know where (place, country) your website visitors come from and you can tailor your content and your posts to it.

3. You know the most popular pages on your website and can highlight your offers exactly.

... and of course a lot more insights that will inspire you!

Find more customers with the numbers on your website!

And thats me:

Anja Grigoleit, 36 years old.

More than 12 years of experience in business & IT.

With me, numbers and technology in your business become child's play.

Would you like to know more about me? Click here


Register now

Sign up now for the free

3-day challenge!

Frequently asked questions

With which website system can I participate?

You can participate with WIX, Jimdo, 1 & 1, Wordpress.

Do I get help if I can't find something right away?

Of course, I am available around the clock during the 3-day challenge and will answer your questions.

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