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Tech up my business

You love your business, but you have already spent many hours starting a website that you don't like? You would like to have a magic wand with which someone simply provides you with all the tools & technology for your business exactly as you would like it - without you having to do anything for it?


HERE I AM! Let me handle that for you!

I'll do everything for you and explain how it's done afterwards. Deal?

What does Tech-Up my Business bring you?

🚀 Dein Weg zu einem erfolgreichen Online-Business beginnt hier 🚀

Willkommen im Herzen des Business Rhythm Programms! Ich habe dieses Programm sorgfältig zusammengestellt, um Dir, einer ambitionierten Unternehmerin, den Weg zu zeigen, wie Du Dein Online-Business mit Freude vorantreibst.

In sechs intensiven Wochen wirst Du lernen, Deinen eigenen Rhythmus im Business zu finden und zu nutzen. Das erwartet Dich:

Effektive Content-Planung:

Entdecke, wie Du Inhalte kreativ gestaltest und effizient planst. Ich zeige Dir, wie Du Deine Online-Präsenz maximierst und Deine Botschaft klar und wirkungsvoll vermittelst.

Strategischer Workflow:

Erfahre, wie Du einen effektiven Arbeitsrhythmus entwickelst, der Stress reduziert und Deine Produktivität steigert. Ich helfe Dir, einen Workflow zu kreieren, der perfekt zu Dir und Deinem Business passt.

Community und Netzwerk:

Tausche Dich mit Gleichgesinnten aus und finde Unterstützung und Inspiration in einer Gemeinschaft, die gemeinsam wächst. Hier kannst Du langfristige Verbindungen knüpfen und von den Erfahrungen anderer profitieren.

Professionelle Videoerstellung:

Tauche ein in die Welt der Videoproduktion. Lerne, wie Du mit einfachen Mitteln beeindruckende Videos erstellst, die Deine Zielgruppe fesseln und Dein Branding stärken.

Individuelle Betreuung:

In kleinen Gruppen arbeiten wir intensiv an Deinen spezifischen Herausforderungen und Zielen. Du erhältst persönliche Betreuung und maßgeschneiderte Lösungen, die genau auf Deine Bedürfnisse zugeschnitten sind.

Digitales Marketing und Online-Präsenz:

Ich zeige Dir, wie Du effektive Online-Marketingstrategien entwickelst und umsetzt, um Deine Zielgruppe zu erreichen und zu binden. Du lernst, wie Du soziale Medien, E-Mail-Marketing und Suchmaschinenoptimierung (SEO) nutzt, um Deine Sichtbarkeit im Internet zu erhöhen und eine starke Online-Marke aufzubauen.

When is Tech-Up my business something for you?

You don't want to build your website yourself. If everything were possible, you wouldn't have to do anything to do with IT & technology.

You want your business tools to just work and you don't have to do anything. Like your tax program, your customer payment program, your appointment calendar tool, your online course tool, and and and...

You want to work with someone, especially in the beginning, who you can ask any questions, who you meet regularly, and who is always there if you have a question.

You don't want to build your website yourself. If everything were possible, you wouldn't have to do anything to do with IT & technology.

You want your business tools to just work and you don't have to do anything. Like your tax program, your customer payment program, your appointment calendar tool, your online course tool, and and and...

You want to work with someone, especially in the beginning, who you can ask any questions, who you meet regularly, and who is always there if you have a question.

What do you leave the workshop with?

Website auf verschiedenen Geräten

I have been working in the IT field for more than 15 years. I love turning ideas into websites, online courses and all the tools you need for your business.


So you don't have to worry about anything, but start with a ready-made business. You have the best tools and you know how they work - but I'll do the "annoying" set up, dress up and test that everything works.

Why me?

ANJA GRIGOLEIT_2_NEW_by_Karoliina_Paasonen_websize.jpg

Because I'm a little bundle of energy, bursting with ideas all day long.

If I could choose someone to advise my business, I would choose someone who has more than 15 years of experience in online business, who has been rocking his own business for almost 2 years and who knows exactly where you are right now and it loves to unravel tangles of thoughts again.

And someone with a good dose of empathy, who can perceive and understand you and your business and who loves the implementation.

I'll put it this way: Just Do it - could have been mine. :-)


Your Anya


This is how the Tech-Up my Business works


1:1 time with me

We meet regularly on site in Potsdam (also on my houseboat), at your office or via zoom.


  • at least 1 hour every 2 weeks 1:1 appointments with me  

  • I build your website (max. 6 pages)

  • I build your online course, blog or podcast (depending on your business)

  • I set up all the tools you need for your business for you

  • Whatsapp support 5 days a week

  • * I'll show you how to get your business to at least 5 digits per month 

Workbooks & Tools

You also get:

  • all records

  • Links to tools

  • Guides for all your tools and how to use them

  • Recommendations for good tax consultants, data protection officers, lawyers (if desired)


I'm happy for you!

DALL·E 2023-12-11 11.30.29 - An inspirational and dynamic image representing the 'Business

Secure your appointment now

My calendar is your calendar... Check directly whether your desired date for our introductory appointment is still available.

After that you can decide whether you

3 months for €3,890 (plus VAT) or

want to work with me for 6 months for €6,890 (plus VAT ).

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Anja Grigoleit Consulting

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